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ASE Contract

See our first ever ASE collective bargaining contract!

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We are a union of 1,800 WSU undergraduate and graduate Academic Student Employees (ASEs). We pride ourselves on being part of the community of hard workers that make WSU a world-class institution. However, many of us have experienced a lack of secure rights and protections in the workplace, struggle with low compensation, grapple with inadequate health care, and face uncertainty about our futures. We won a strong first contract, and right now we are working on building power and enforcing our contract!

Our union is part of a movement of organizing in higher education—100,000 academic workers across the country have formed unions with UAW to improve their working conditions. On this website you can learn more about who we are and the latest updates on bargaining.

Workplace Issues?

Looking to speak to someone about issues in workplace?

Noticed contract violations?

Need to speak to a union rep?

Email us