by WSU-CASE | Jul 21, 2023 | Bargaining Updates, Emails
July 21, 2023 This past Thursday, July 20th was a long day of bargaining. TL;DR: Our ASE team presented our final new proposals Parking and Transit & Professional Development and Career Counseling Our team also turned around counters on Discipline;...
by WSU-CASE | Jul 14, 2023 | Bargaining Updates, Emails
July 14, 2023 This past Wednesday, July 12th was a full and busy day of bargaining! TL;DR: Our ASE team presented three new proposals on Shared Leaves, Summer Session, and Housing Admin presented four counterproposals on Grievances and Arbitration, Respectful Work...
by WSU-CASE | Jun 27, 2023 | Emails
June 27, 2023 Our June Monthly Meeting is happening tomorrow (6/28) at 5pm via Zoom! We’ll be talking about our Wages proposal, bargaining progress thus far, and actions we’ll need to take to fight for the changes that matter to all of us. You can RSVP here to...
by WSU-CASE | Jun 23, 2023 | Bargaining Updates, Emails
June 23, 2023 We had a busy day of bargaining on Wednesday, June 21: TL;DR: We presented counter proposals: Grievance and Arbitration and Anti-Discrimination and Harassment We presented Job Titles and a set of economic proposals including Health Insurance, Wages, Fees...
by WSU-CASE | Jun 19, 2023 | Bargaining Updates, Emails
June 19, 2023 This past Wednesday, we hosted our first Town Hall on the wages proposal! The Wages Workgroup presented their research, framing for our proposal to increase base wages, and context for how other ASE unions have made wins on wages. During the Town Hall...