November 21, 2022

Self-nominations are still open for the bargaining committee and will close this Wednesday, on 11/23. We would love to see more nominations! There is now a bargaining section of the WSU-CASE website which contains some frequently asked questions about the bargaining committee, which you can view here.

Working together, the Bargaining Committee will: 

  1. Develop bargaining proposals based on survey data and conversations with fellow ASEs, as well as other ASE collective bargaining agreements; 
  2. Meet with WSU management during bargaining sessions;
  3. Communicate with ASEs about the progress of bargaining; 
  4. Engage in outreach/organizing to ASEs across the state to build power; and
  5. Mobilize to win demands. 

All ASEs are eligible to join the Bargaining Committee! No experience is required, and there is no set number of Bargaining Committee members. Everyone is encouraged to participate in a way they are able. If you are interested in joining the Bargaining Committee, you can self-nominate at this link. If you have any questions please check out the bargaining section of the WSU-CASE website or feel free to respond to this email and someone will be in touch!

On 11/28 elections will open for bargaining committee members. You will receive a link to a voting form which will include short descriptions of nominees’ interest in the bargaining committee. There is no minimum or maximum required number of bargaining committee members. Everyone will simply vote “yes” or “no” to elect each individual to the bargaining committee. The election period will be between 11/28-12/1.

We would also like to remind you about some different ways to get involved as we move toward bargaining a strong first contract: 

Ways to get involved

  • Sign on to the Initial Bargaining Demands! (if you only have time for one task, please sign on!) (30 seconds)
  • Nominate yourself for the Bargaining Committee! (30 seconds to complete the form and as much time as you’d like to commit)
  • Fill out the Bargaining Survey! (5-15 minutes
  • Talk to your friends and colleagues about signing on to the Initial Bargaining Demands and completing the Bargaining Survey! (as much time as you’d like to commit)
  • Print and share the Bargaining flyer with others (as much time as you’d like to commit)! 

More details about each of these activities can be found in our last email (on 11/14/22). If you’re not receiving all of our emails, please check your spam filters to ensure you won’t miss important updates. You can also see an email digest containing past messages on the WSU-CASE website!

In solidarity,
Aurora Brinkman, Psychology (Pullman)
Priyanka Bushana, Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience (Spokane)
Carla De Lira, Computer Science (Pullman)
Gavin Doyle, English (Pullman)
Yiran Guo, Materials Science and Engineering (Pullman)
Danielle Holt, School of the Environment (Pullman)
Aaron Jesch, History (Vancouver) 
Kelsey King, School of Biological Sciences (Vancouver)
Daniel McCloskey, Anthropology (Pullman)
Danny Powell, Veterinary Medicine (Pullman)
Kyle Rakowski, Sociology (Pullman)
Sadie Ridgeway, Sociology (Pullman)
Claudia Skinner, Languages, Cultures and Race (Pullman)

WSU-CASE/UAW Organizing Committee