May 4, 2022
The day is here! Today we file for union certification and rally to demonstrate our collective power to WSU! Please make sure to have a plan in place to go with your friends and colleagues to your nearest rally. See below for a reminder of rally times and locations, as well as an update on the Tri-Cities rally!
- Pullman – 5/4/22 3.30pm; the Compton Union Building front steps
- Spokane – 5/4/22 3.30pm; the courtyard between the NRS and PBS buildings
- Vancouver – 5/4/22; the Fountain
- Tri-Cities – NOW ON 5/6/22 3.30pm; the Rotary Stage
- Prosser – 5/4/22 3.30pm; the Picnic Area
- Puyallup – 5/4/22 3.30pm; the Pavilion by the guest house
At each of these events we will gather to hear from fellow organizers, deliver our petition and a statement to WSU administration, and share in food, drinks and celebration!
Don’t forget to follow us on social media and tag us in your posts at your rally! We can be found on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook via @wsucase
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to or private message us via social media. We can’t wait to see you all and make history together!
In solidarity,
Aurora Brinkman, Psychology (Pullman)
Priyanka Bushana, Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience (Spokane)
Furkan Cakmak, Political Science (Pullman)
Sarah Fakhoury, Computer Science (Pullman)
Yonas Gezahegn, Biosystems Engineering (Pullman)
Danielle Holt, School of the Environment (Pullman)
Aaron Jesch, History (Vancouver)
Kelsey King, School of Biological Sciences (Vancouver)
Kathryn Manis, English (Pullman)
Daniel McCloskey, Anthropology (Pullman)
Emma McMain, Educational Psychology (Pullman)
Kyle Rakowski, Sociology (Pullman)
Heather Ramos, English (Pullman)
Sadie Ridgeway, Sociology (Pullman)
Claudia Skinner, Languages, Cultures and Race (Pullman)
Kartik Sreedhar, Physics and Astronomy (Pullman)
WSU CASE/UAW Organizing Committee