April 19, 2024


Hello Fellow ASEs!

Nominations for executive board positions are now closed! The nominees and their candidate statements for President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Guide, Sergeant-At-Arms, and Trustees are available for review at the Election Center. The election period will be next month via email ballot from May 1-3, and an accompanying email will be sent out with instructions on voting. Only members will receive a ballot to vote in this election. If you have not signed up for membership, you can still do so now.

The next Monthly Meeting will be Tuesday, May 7th at 6pm (register for the meeting here!). We will announce our newly elected executive board there!

Get to know your contract!
We, the 4591 Communications Committee (CommComm), continue to work on updating the website! Check out our contract here and get to know your rights! Here’s another two sneak peek examples of an upcoming Before vs. After to see how our benefits and rights have improved with our new contract. 

Become a member today!
If you haven’t yet, please fill out this form to become a dues paying member of our Union! Only members can vote in official union business.

Dues are 1.44% of your monthly wage + a one-time $10 initiation fee. These dues fund access to valuable resources, including legal assistance to ensure that our rights are protected, staffing for our union, professional development opportunities, and more. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable academic environment that prioritizes the well-being and success of all ASEs. Questions about membership? Visit our FAQ here, or send questions in to contact@wsucase.org

In Solidarity,
UAW 4591 Communications Committee (CommComm)
Carrington Moore
Yiran Guo
Beatrice Caffé
Alexander Messick
Alex Howard